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A Message to your FAVORITE Person

If you could send a message to your favorite person in the ENTIRE WORLD, what would it be?

Honestly, think about this.

This is my response:

Thank you for giving me your time, especially since time is one of the most precious of gifts in life! Thank you for making me feel like I am important, valuable, loved, understood, and cherished. You have left an ever-lasting impact on my life and I am forever grateful that we've crossed paths in life. I am so blessed. I will cherish the memories we share for the rest of my lifetime, for you have made me a better person! You've given me honest advice, even when I was unsure of whether or not I was ready to receive the advice and apply the necessary adjustments in order to prosper. You've stood by me as my life has fallen apart and I've picked up the pieces to rebuild my life into the most beautiful thing I've ever lived. I just want you to know that I appreciate you!! You are an incredible human and you make the world a better place! God Bless You!

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